Jacobs Solutions Rg

Geld N.A.
  • N.A.
Brief N.A.
  • N.A.
Diff. Vortag N.A. N.A. Beobachten

Kursdaten & Kennzahlen

Weitere Kennzahlen


Mehr Information

Gewinn und Verlust

in Mio. EUR

  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • Umsatzerlöse
  • 16.352,41
  • 14.922,82
  • 14.092,63
  • Veränderung
  • +9,58%
  • +5,89%
  • +3,87%
  • Operatives Ergebnis
  • 1.057,93
  • 972,07
  • 774,82
  • Veränderung
  • +8,83%
  • +25,46%
  • +21,70%
  • Ergebnis vor Steuern
  • 915,84
  • 876,32
  • 705,61
  • Veränderung
  • +4,51%
  • +24,19%
  • +21,83%
  • Ergebnis nach Steuern
  • 719,66
  • 715,41
  • 430,83
  • Veränderung
  • +0,59%
  • +66,05%
  • -17,76%


  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • Nettoumsatzrendite
  • 4,080
  • 4,320
  • 3,380
  • Eigenkapitalrendite
  • 10,180
  • 10,630
  • 8,030


in Mio. EUR

  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • Umlaufvermögen
  • 4.690,35
  • 4.721,99
  • 4.291,9
  • Anlagevermögen
  • 9.926,76
  • 9.938,42
  • 10.340,71
  • Eigenkapital
  • 6.546,22
  • 6.060,06
  • 5.940,04
  • EK-Quote
  • 44,78%
  • 41,34%
  • 40,59%
  • Fremdkapital
  • 8.017,03
  • 7.923,5
  • 8.000,05
  • FK-Quote
  • 55,22%
  • 58,66%
  • 59,41%
  • Bilanzsumme
  • 14.617,11
  • 14.660,42
  • 14.632,61

Chart (Geldkurse)


  • Jacobs Solutions Rg
  • UC S&P 500
  • 1 Tag
  • N.A.
  • N.A.
  • 1 Woche
  • N.A.
  • +0,24%
  • 1 Monat
  • N.A.
  • +2,28%
  • 3 Monate
  • N.A.
  • +7,03%
  • 1 Jahr
  • N.A.
  • +25,31%
  • 5 Jahre
  • N.A.
  • +93,01%

Jacobs Solutions Rg

Jacobs Solutions Inc (formerly Jacobs Engineering Inc) is one of the largest engineering services companies in the world. The company provides a wide range of technical, professional and construction services to a variety of industrial, commercial and government clients. It operates in four broad service categories, namely "Project Services" (engineering, design, architecture, interiors, planning, environmental and related services), "Process, Scientific, and Systems Consulting Services" (services related to scientific testing, analysis, IT, systems engineering and integration), "Construction Services" (construction services as well as the use of modular consulting expertise, direct hire and construction management) and "Operations and Maintenance Services" (services related to the operation of large, complex facilities on behalf of clients as well as maintenance of process plants and equipment).



Jacobs Solutions Rg
South Arroyo Parkway 1111, 91109 Pasadena, CA

